
To install the CLI extension, you can use the following command:

npm i -g @blockflow-labs/cli

To verify that the CLI extension has been installed correctly, use the following commands.

blockflow --version

If it runs without error, your system meets the requirements. Configure your cli with blockflow credentials to get started. Check this.

blockflow configure

Once setup, you can see all the commands supported using.

blockflow --help

System Requirements

  • Operating System - MacOs, Linux or Windows

  • Node.js >= 18

  • Docker >= v27.2.0

  • Package Manager - npm

  • Code Editor - VS Code

  • git >= v2.39.0


Blockflow uses advanced TypeScript features to offer end-to-end type safety without code generation.

VS Code

By default, VSCode's TypeScript language features use an internal version of TypeScript. Sometimes, this version does not meet our requirement of >=5.1.6

To change VSCode's TypeScript version, run TypeScript: Select TypeScript version..." from the command palette and select Use Workspace Version or update VSCode's version.


Starting from version 2.0.0, Blockflow CLI requires Docker for local environment setup. With Docker, you don’t need to install PostgreSQL or MongoDB separately for testing. Ensure Docker is installed and running, and be cautious of running multiple test containers simultaneously to avoid port conflicts.

  • Ensure Docker is installed and running.

  • Docker Version: >= v27.2.0

Accessing Access Key and Secret Key in Blockflow

The command blockflow configure will prompt you to enter access key and secret key. You can follow these steps to obtain your keys.

  1. Log in to your Blockflow account and go to the project for which you need the access key and secret key.

  2. On the Project Details page, locate the "Key Management" tab and click on it.

  3. The Key Management tab will display your project's access key and secret key.

  4. To copy the access key, click on the "Copy" button next to the access key value.

  5. To copy the secret key, click on the "Copy" button next to the secret key value.

You can now use these copied access key and secret key values when prompted by the Blockflow configure command or when connecting to your project from external applications or services.

Last updated