CLI Cheatsheet

This guide shows the commands you need to initialise, build, and deploy a instance using Blockflow CLI.

Step 1: Install the Blockflow CLI

To install the CLI extension on your local machine, you can use the following command:

npm i -g @blockflow-labs/cli

Step 2: Authenticate CLI

Authenticate Blockflow CLI with your credentials by running this command.

blockflow configure

Step 3: Initialise Blockflow Project

To create a new project, navigate to the directory where you want to store your project and run the following command (make sure the folder is empty):

blockflow init

The CLI will prompt you to select various options for your project. Fill in the details, and the CLI will populate your directory with the necessary files for indexing.

Step 4: Configure YAML

After you have written your trigger configuration in blockflow.yaml, you can run this command:

blockflow codegen

The CLI will generate boilerplate code for handler functions.

Step 5: Setup Database Schema

Once project initialised. Write your database schema in studio.schema.ts file, after writing run this command:

blockflow typegen

This will generate schema.ts file in src/types folder. It contain autogenerated interfaces and classes.

Step 6: Testing Instance

After you have written your handler logic. You can test your instance locally by using this command:

blockflow instance-test --rpc "paste-your-rpc-url-here"

This need a local mongo running. Once completed. Check your local mongoDB.

Step 7: Deploying Instance

Once tested we are ready for deployment. Make sure you have blockflow credentials in studio.yaml file.

blockflow instance-deploy

You can check your deployed instance in your blockflow account. And query the database in graphql playground.

Last updated